Pop-Up RVA: Get your Space for the Race!

Pop-up RVA launches in September 2015 in anticipation of the 450,000 spectators during the nine-day UCI Road World Championships. These pop-ups will reactivate 5,000 square feet of vacant retail along the 100 and 200 blocks of East Broad Street throughout the month of September. Community partners include Storefront for Community Design, Downtown Neighborhood Association, Douglas Development Corporation, and the City of Richmond. Improvement efforts are sponsored by HandsOn Greater Richmond and Monument Construction.

Since the opening of Storefront's East Broad Street location in 2012, thousands of square feet of commercial space have remained empty — some of them as long as 20 years. In 2011, Storefront's Program Director Tyler King documented the history of some of the buildings included in the scope of Pop-up RVA, and around 40 others. He created a catalog of these buildings called NTHNG MSSNG, describing their current condition and former uses. 

Check out a preview of the book below.


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